About Us :: Quienes Somos ???

Panda Lodge es propiedad de Karla
Bermúdez Quant, empresaria nicara-
guense con raíces chinas, quien le da un toque diferente al hostal...

Karla Bermúdez -a nicaraguan+chinese entrepreneur- is the Owner/Manager of Panda Lodge, and she is giving a very different touch to this place...

32 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hola PandaLodge !!!
Muchos exitos en tu nueva aventura empresarial !!!
Te enviaremos grupos de turistas desde aquí...
Un abrazo...

Maria Auxiliadora dijo...

I love this ..... Panda Lodge hotel looks fresh and full of life, also very clean and welcoming. When I go to Nicaragua will stay with you.
Congratulations .... Granada deserve places as beautiful as your hotel.

Anónimo dijo...

Wow!!! Super-cool.....

LIL dijo...

I had a great time at your place. Your services are wonderful.

LIL dijo...

A été merveilleux hospedarme dans votre hôtel. Je vous remercie de votre gentillesse. Nous nous voyons en décembre à son retour

Anónimo dijo...

This hostel in Granada, Nicaragua is perfect for the young adventurous traveler! The owner is my wonderful cousin, Karla, who is very welcoming and quite knowledgeable on all the amenities Nicaragua has to offer. If you are looking for a bold and exotic adventure in Nicaragua, definitely consider the Panda Lodge in Granada!

Anónimo dijo...

"An excellent experience - It was my first time in Granada, Nicaragua, being a lone backpacker for the first time I'm really glad I picked this place. I stayed for a total of 3 days and had a really good time.

Helpful staff and clean place. I met a handful of friendly backpackers from around the world along the way. Sandra from San Francisco, CA

Panda Lodge dijo...




Michaela dijo...

Had a great stay. Clean safe place and good location. I definitely recommend this place.

Anónimo dijo...

We really liked the set up at the Panda Lodge and appreciated the calm and relaxed help and advice which the staff provided. We loved being able to come back after a day sightseeing and relax. It was really good value. Mark, Kansas USA

Carlos Marinay dijo...

Te Felicito Karla por tu Hostal Panda Lodge Es maravilloso, bonito y sobre todo muy limpio, no dudo un segundo en que sera todo un exito!!!

Panda Lodge dijo...

Estoy muy agradecida con las personas que me han apoyado atraves de sus comentarios por esta via... Sus opiniones para mi son muy importantes ya que es el inicio de este nuevo proyecto...Enfocado en brindarles el mejor servicio, comodidad, cercania,seguridad, y compromiso.

En PANDA LODGE pensamos que es mejor perder algunos combates en la lucha por nuestros sueños... que ser derrotados sin nisiquiera saber por qué se está luchando!!

Anónimo dijo...

Had a three day stay at the Panda Lodge and found it to be clean, safe and very well priced! The gal who runs this lodge is an excellent hostess and treats you like family!
Chris, California

Victoria Rodriguez dijo...

I´m from Honduras and we stay in this hostal Panda Lodge we were really satisfied with the attention they give us so if you want to visit Nicaragua you should go to PandaLodge , its a nice place , comfortable, excellent attention, and the most important thing a very well priced to the ownwer congratulations! for having the great idea opening this beautiful place . I definitely recomend this place .

Mei dijo...

Excellent expierience I have with my family in Granada Nicaragua ..we stay 4 days in PandaLodge hotel we had a great time lots of fun ,they really have good service ,also is very clean , the attention is excellent, and the food is delicious so no doubt next time I stay with you CONGRATULATIONS Karla you're an excellent hostess I encourge you to continue working in that way Panda Lodge will be a great hotel you will see !! :)

Panda Lodge dijo...

Excelentes comentarios...Gracias a todos ustedes por creer en Panda, Gracias Chris, gracias Vicky, Gracias Mey !! A la orden siempre, estamos para servir...

rodri dijo...

hello dear friend !!!!!!!!..... congratulation for new hostal.It`s wonderful. People around the world come to Granada and enjoy of our city and lodge in the best hostal in our city PANDALODGE.

Anónimo dijo...

hello dear karla we enjoyed lodging in yur hostal THE WONDERFUL PANDALODGE was marvelous thanks for yur attentions. we are from Israel.

allison Baker dijo...

Was a Pleasure to be apart of your wonderful place, I stay for a week and was the most enjoyfull week I never had in my life, visitors deserve a spoiled week like I had in Pandalodge with my family. thanks to the staff, are a friendly people, I can't waite to go back and stay for a full year there :) thanks Nicaragua People ya'll are a wonderful friends and Family. Allison Baker

Anónimo dijo...

Granada is a beautiful city and a great place to have fun. We stayed two days at Panda Lodge the staff was great and helpful.
The beds were comfortable and the lodge was nice and clean. All together an awesome experience. Alesandra

Lucas Bueno dijo...

Sou brasileiro e estou viajando pela america central, posso lhes garantir que este é o melhor lodge que passei!!! Otima estrutura e atendimento... o pessoal é nota 10!!! abraco hermanos!!!

Panda Lodge dijo...

Heeeeeeeyyy...LUCAS!! Gracias, vuelvan proooonto por favor jejejeje...

Maria Rocha de Lopez dijo...

No dudo que será todo un éxito con la dueña que tiene todas las armas para triunfar. Bello lugar y acogedor lo principal que nos brinda seguridad, comodidad y un ambiente extraordinario en esta bella ciudad de Granada. Felicidades amiga.

Mario dijo...

Excelente hotel me encanto hospedarme, los felicito.


Chic@s recuerden entrar al FACEBOOK DE PANDA...ahi van a encontar albumes completos con fotos de cada uno de sus visitantes !!

Jorge dijo...

Felicitaciones Mi Querida Amiga Desde Aqui Virginia EEUU
Ya Estare Pronto Por Alla Para Vititar El Panda Lodge
Hasta Pronto Y Mucha Suerte

Jorge dijo...

I Just Want To Tell You Congrats On Panda Lodge...
I Wish You The Best Of Luck. I Will Be Visiting Granada Very Soon A Will Coming Visiting You. My Best Regard From Virginia United States
Thank you

Alejandro Menocal dijo...

Panda Lodge es un lugar para quedarse super nice quiero felicitar a la Karla Bermudez Quant, por llevar a cabo esta empresa te felicito y estoy invitando a todos mis amigos para que visiten la gran sultana y se hospeden en esta gran Panda Lodge!!!

Anónimo dijo...

Muchisimas gracias, al excelentisimo personal de PANDA LODGE por la magnifica y agradable atencion, que nos brindaron en nuestra estadia. disfrutando nuestra bella Nicaragua. Un saludo a nuestra estimada amiga Karla desde NEW YORK. los extranaremos mucho.

Nika Bonita dijo...

Gracias Karla por el links y te felicito por tu hospedaje es algo innovador me gusta, te deseo muchos exitos...Besos al panda!

Larry dijo...

Hi, Panda Lodge! I wanted to tell you this is the best stay inn in Granada. The rooms, and service are thus far the best. The food was excellent, free wifi, and great location. I'll see u guys next summer;). Thx, Larry

Mercedes Catapano dijo...

el hospedaje esta bien bonito todo natural le da arte y belleza te deseo mucha suerte